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Detroit Call to Action

By 06/15/2010September 9th, 2014All Posts, Gilda's Posts, Visionaries

This is our city!

People are resisting the assault on our city. Detroiters are standing up against the schemes of Mayor Bing, Emergency Financial Manager Bobb and powerful foundations who are plotting to take our land, close our schools, sell our last public hospital, destroy whole neighborhoods and are putting everything they can think of up for sale.

Behind closed doors they are making plans that will affect our city and our children for generations to come. They refuse to share their plans in open forums, refuse to support the elected school board and challenged court orders questioning their powers. The private foundations supporting this secrecy are not accountable to any one, using their money to dictate winning and losing neighborhoods.

We are outraged by this assault on our city and on democracy. We know there is a better way. Across Detroit, long abandoned neighborhoods are coming to life with gardens, art projects and new businesses. Schools are resisting the effort to turn our children into mindless test takers, creating imaginative life affirming programs supporting community growth. We are restoring community ties, turning war zones to peace zones for life.

These activities have caught the attention of national and international media, telling the story of a new Detroit resurgence.    These activities have also attracted the attention of those who see another opportunity to make money by shifting public resources into private hands. This is our city. These are our children. No one has a right to determine our future without us.

We demand

  • An immediate halt to school closings.
  • Open meetings in community centers, churches, civic organizations and block clubs to discuss the future of our city.
  • No use of eminent domain to take land for private use.
  • Full disclosure of foundation board members economic interests in our city.

Join us to

  • Turn all our schools into neighborhood resource centers, where young people develop their minds, hearts and imagination solving the problems facing our communities.
  • Maintain open land for small community gardens.
  • Turn vacant houses into neighborhood resources.
  • Reconnect generational ties through public art, urban gardens, community restoration projects.


  • The right of Detroiters to make our own decisions about our future.
  • Innovative schools transforming education in service to our communities.
  • The imagination of teachers, activists, small businesses, urban farmers, artists and young people who are already rebuilding Detroit from the ground up.

Detroiters for Dignity and Democracy

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