Mobile Co-op Lab

One of the tenets of popular education is to start where people are — what they know, what they care about, and where they want to go.  That holds true for their geographic location as well, so in the interests of perpetual experimentation, the L.A. Co-op Lab is taking the idea and possibility of worker co-ops into the streets of Los Angeles to meet and greet and offer on-site workshops, resources, and relationships all in the interests of building more sustainable and democratic communities in L.A.

Maybe you’ll see us soon on a street corner near you.  For a more reliable date, contact

Here are some examples of Mobile Co-op Lab’s traveling workshops:

Get some basic information about worker coops and then have a no-risk experience what that could be like by playing a giant version of Co-opoly, brought to you by our friends at Toolbox for Education and Social Action (TESA).


Think like a business — together!

The business model canvas is a quick and dirty (and collective) tool for testing out your business ideas to make sure that you are offering something that people want and need so that your team will do well for the community and earn a decent living.


One of the best ways to learn about worker coops is to benefit from the real-life stories of successful worker-owners.

worker coop lunch